
Saturday, July 28, 2012

$85 Tow Fee in San Antonio Reinstated

On Wednesday, a San Antonio Judge sided with City of San Antonio regarding the tow fee for private property impounds, being $85 instead the $250, the maximum fee set by the State.  For motorists charged the $250 tow fee, you are encouraged to file a complaint with the Texas Department of Licensing & Regulations to recover the overcharge, to which the towing company will be forced to refund.

In an earlier post reference Park Right Solution being busted by TDLR for towing a vehicle without authorization; Jess Horton, this company's co-owner is also President for Southwest Tow Operators, a large trade and training organization for towing companies in Texas.

Jess Horton is the reason for an attorney general opinion reference financial kickbacks AND NOW his company has been caught red handed involved in fraud by towing vehicles without authorization to do so.  TLDR's fine matrix carries a maximum fine of $1720.00 per violation.
But this towing without authorization is serious business and TDLR will pursue actions against them and every other towing company operating outside the boundaries of State Law.

Stayed tuned.....