
Thursday, February 20, 2014

TDLR Denies License Renewal Tow Truck Operator for Killing Citizen

A tow truck operator from Houston is seeking to have his Incident Management Tow Truck Operator License (Number 10724) renewed, but TDLR wants to deny the renewal.


In March, 2008 Jose F Santiago was convicted of the offense of Violation of Protective Order, a misdemeanor, and sentenced to 120 days confinement in the Harris County Jail.

In March, 2008, in a separate action, Santiago was once again of the offense of Violation of Protective Order, a misdemeanor, and sentenced to 120 days confinement in the Harris County Jail.

In July, 2013, Santiago pled no contest to the offense of Criminal Negligent Homicide, a felony and placed on deferred adjudication and placed on 5 years probation.  This case was based on Santiago while operating a tow truck, cut across a parking lot to avoid traffic congestion on the roadway by a school.  Evidence at the trial shows Santiago driving at a speed faster than what would have been safe for a parking lot.

Santiago did not stop before crossing the sidewalk upon reentering the street, and when drove across the sidewalk, the tow truck ran over a woman who had been walking there. The woman died as a result of her injuries.

The tow company that Santiago works for is a member of the Southwest Tow Operators.

This incident just shows the criminal behavior of some tow truck operators who place the public at risk of death and should have his TDLR license renewal denied!

This is a prime example of why TDLR should not be issuing Occupation Licenses to criminals.